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"We would like to welcome our Foot Care Nurse, Mark Stoyanovich to the Foot Care Institute"
Now Available for Routine Foot Care

(519) 258-3668

283 St Rose Ave
Windsor, ON N8S 1X1

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If you’re experiencing any problems involving your feet or ankles, it is highly recommended that you consult with a podiatrist near you for a proper diagnosis and treatment regime.

We spend many hours every day on our feet. Keeping them healthy by wearing proper footwear and attending to any issues are the best ways to ensure healthy, pain-free mobility. For information on any of the common foot issues, click the links below.

patient education

Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails that are incurvated and grow into the skin along the side of the nail can be very painful. At times they can become infected. We perform a relatively painless permanent correction for this condition in a comfortable surgical suite right at our clinic.

A bunion is a bone deformity usually occurring at the base of the big toe. This is a progressive condition that is made worse by flat feet and tight shoes. Bunions can be very painful, and in some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove them. Office-based surgery is performed in a comfortable surgical suite at our clinic.

Flat Feet
A flat foot is one that presents with a low arch causing pain in the foot, as well as the legs, knees hips and back. Orthotics made by a podiatrist to control motion, foot position and arch height can address your symptoms.

A hammertoe deformity is a characterized by the toe having a bend in the middle joint. It can be addressed with orthotics, padding and even surgery. Office-based surgery is performed in a comfortable surgical suite at our clinic.

Diabetes and Your Feet
Diabetes is a systemic illness that can affect many different parts of the body. This is especially true for the feet. Proper foot care on a regular basis is extremely important for diabetic patients.

Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs
Do you have pain in your heels when you get up in the morning? Or after you have been on your feet for prolonged periods of time? Heel pain is easily treated with many different conservative methods. Shockwave is available at our clinic and is a non-invasive, highly-effective treatment.

Fungal Toenails/Athlete's Foot
Fungus affects the nails and skin of the foot because fungus grows in warm, dark, damp areas. Many new treatments can eradicate fungus in both tissues. The Lunula laser (now available at our clinic) is a painless treatment for thick, discoloured nails.

Custom made orthotics are inserts that are placed inside your shoes to control motion and alleviate pain. The goal of the orthotic is to make the foot function more efficiently. At the Foot Care Institute, we perform a biomechanical exam, gait analysis, 3-D scan, and forward a prescription to the orthotic lab to ensure that our patients receive a device that is addressing all of their foot problems.

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